We just started this documentation, please give us a moment to fill in some stuff.

More info on ERPAL can be found here: erpal.info To install ERPAL Platform visit the Drupal project page: www.drupal.org/project/erpal_platform

General information

  • This documentation is built with MkDocs.
  • It is hosted on readthedocs.org
  • Code repository is on github.com
  • Please add pull-requests to the GitHub repository if you want to help building these docs.

How to contribute

We are using github.com and MkDocs to create this documentation and make it accessible for contributions - so make sure to check these links to get you started like a boss:

Adding youtube videos

To add youtube-videos to a documentation-page please insert them as an iframe with the youtube-iframe class. this way the width is flexible and the videos should be shown properly.

for example:

<iframe class="youtube-iframe" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/A5rx_UoQXf8"></iframe>