As our main goal with ERPAL Platform is to provide a flexible business application solution build with Drupal, there is a pretty good chance that you would want to customize products to fit your needs. Therefore we want show you how to create custom product- and line-item-types, and how you can make a connection between those.

For our example, let's say we have a t-shirt-shop and we want to setup a product-type that gives us the option to specify the color and size of the shirts that we are shipping.

1. Create a product-type

Let's dive right in and create a new product type for our t-shirts.

edit product

  1. Navigate to: Store » Products » Product types » Add product type
    • /admin/commerce/products/types/add
  2. Insert a name for your product-type e.g. "T-Shirt"
  3. Click the "Save and add fields"-Button at very the end of the form
  4. Add two new text-fields named "Color" and "Size"
    • it will be beneficial to adjust the field names to field_shirt_color and field_shirt_size, to prevent any inconveniences in the future
    • you might as well use taxanomy-terms or any other field type instead of text-fields, but we'll take the easy path for now
  5. And save it!

2. Add line-item-type

Next we will create a new line-item-type so that the new product will eventually appear on an order.

FYI: These fields will be displayed while adding an item to an order, so you might want to adjust the field-sizes to fit your liking.

  1. Go to: Store » Configuration » Line item types » Add a product line item type
    • /admin/commerce/config/line-items/add-product-line-item-type
  2. Insert a fitting name, we'll again go with "T-Shirt", as the line-item should accompany our new product-type
  3. Add the existing fields field_shirt_color and field_shirt_size (in our case same as with product-type)
  4. Save that line-item-type!

3. Connect product-type with line-item-type

We got the new product- and line-item-type ready, now we have to connect them both.

edit product

  1. Navigate to Store » Configuration » Order Settings » Manage fields and edit the "line items" widget-type
    • /admin/commerce/config/order/fields/commerce_line_items/widget-type
  2. The widget-type should be set to "Dynamic line item widget"
  3. Adjust the "Settings for T-Shirts line item type" (a fieldset within the dynamic line item widget fieldset)
    1. Select the correct "Product type", in our case - you might have guessed it - "T-Shirt"
    2. Set commerce_unit_price to commerce_price
    3. Set field_shirt_color to field_shirt_color
    4. And finally field_shirt_size to field_shirt_size
  4. Hit "Continue" and "Save"

You may want to repeat these steps for your invoices and quotes as well. Their config is located at: Store » Configuration » Order types » Invoice / Quote. /admin/commerce/config/order-types

4. Finally: create a product & test it

Now you should check if everything is working as expected.

edit product

  1. Go to "Products" in the ERPAL Menu and hit the local action (the button on top) "Add a product"
    • /product/add/t-shirt
    • alternatively go to Store » Products » Add a product » Create T-Shirt
    • /admin/commerce/products/add/t-shirt or via the
  2. As you can see our two new fields are added to the form. Now insert all data. Remember the sku-value.
  3. When creating an order insert the sku into the product-autocomplete-field and select the recently created product
    • /order/add
  4. Now you should see that the fields adjusted to the corresponding line-item-type and the values of the product's fields are copied.


So what have we learned today? Adding a custom product-type is not much more complicated than adding a new content-type to a Drupal-site. It is important to create not just the product-type but also a line-item-type and connect them. All in all just 3 small steps.